Embracing Synthetic Media for Smart Learning
In the evolving landscape of education, the integration of synthetic media is revolutionizing the way we learn. This isn't just about artificial learning—it's about smart learning. Synthetic media, powered by advanced AI technologies, offers dynamic, interactive, and highly personalized educational experiences that far surpass traditional methods.
Reflections on the Paramount Debacle
Paramount is the last gem of the fading studio system. As I looked back on my career in Hollywood, I had many interactions with Viacom, the studio, and let alone CBS. For CBS, it started in the basement of Television City where Pittard Sullivan installed one of the first Quantel Harry’s and we ran all promo for the network. Each broadcast designer did their shift of a couple months to work quickly and learn all about TV Promo.
Imagine Trump Kissing Putin --ar 16:9
That was the prompt that suspended my MidJourney account. Warning: Do not try this at home! Though it makes me mad, I was trying to make a point to see where the guardrails are in this election cycle, let alone moving forward. I am happy that MidJourney does have some protections in place. I was going to do more research on other platforms, but I still need to work. The one platform that evidently has no guardrails is Grok.
Cyndi Coon's Vision of AI and the Future at the El Sailon Series
The inaugural session featured Cyndi Coon, a prominent Applied Experiential Futurist, who shared her insights on the intersection of futurism, creativity, and AI, highlighting the crucial role humans play in shaping the future.
Ride the Rocket
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, many companies find themselves paralyzed by the endless debates on how to effectively implement AI.
Catchin’ Waves
In 1984, I was literally walking the halls of Art Center after I graduated when I noticed some of the first Mac Classics in some of the drawing rooms, for whatever reason. I thought “What wave was I missing here?”
Free Speech Movement vs. Creator Economy: Two Roads Diverging
The Free Speech Movement, born in the 1960s, champions the right to express ideas freely without government intervention. It prioritizes open discourse, exchange of diverse viewpoints, and protection of individual expression from censorship. It is now a road to ruin. On the other hand, the creator economy revolves around monetizing content created by individuals. Creators leverage platforms to reach audiences and generate revenue through ads, sponsorships, and direct fan support.
The Balance Between Creativity and Productivity in the AI Era
Over the past year and a half, I have found that finding the balance between creativity and productivity has become a paramount concern for me, fellow designers, and organizations alike. As artificial intelligence continues to transform industries, it's crucial to understand how to harness its potential without compromising the unique human touch that fuels creativity.
The Thaw Begins
Business transformation begins with the adoption of AI. Eighteen months into the lifecycle of GenAI, half of all workers in PwC’s Global Workforce Hopes & Fears Survey 2024 expect #GenAI to lead to higher salaries – an expectation that’s even higher among those who use GenAI daily. This optimism highlights a profound belief in the transformative power of AI to enhance productivity and drive economic growth.
When Crying Wolf
I have been a disruptor for over 20 years. It is not easy nor fun. To embrace new technologies then evangelize within the company you work for makes you the least popular person. “You are crazy.” “Get out of my business.” “Stay in your swim lane.” These are the backlash comments I have heard in my career. To challenge the norm makes you the solitary figure crying wolf in the wilderness.
The Decline of Non-Disclosure Agreements: Unshackling the Benefits for Signees
However, in recent years, NDAs have been losing favor, particularly in certain industries and contexts. This shift can be attributed to several factors, including growing concerns over transparency, ethics, and the protection of employees' rights. As NDAs fall out of favor, those who were once bound by these agreements are beginning to experience a range of benefits upon their release.
Oops I did it again.
It has been quite a journey, but doors have opened up for me that normally would not have been answered, even with the appropriate knock.
Apple Intelligent?
Apple's setting the stage for a future where your phone's not just a gadget; it's your personal sidekick. It's like having a tiny genius in your pocket, ready to tackle whatever life throws at you.
The Future of Streaming: How Conversational AI Can Revolutionize Smart TVs
The explosion of streaming services has led to a fragmented viewing experience. Users frequently juggle multiple subscriptions, struggling to remember where they saw a particular show or movie.
Empowering AI Startups
Introducing RealmIQ: AIccelerator, where we are dedicated to elevating AI startups by offering comprehensive support in strategy, product development, branding, team building, and securing investor access.
Closing the Gap: The Rise of GenAI in the Workplace
Breaking down the wall. Eighteen months into the era of Generative AI (GenAI), a recent study by Microsoft and LinkedIn reveals that AI is already being integrated into workplaces at an unexpected scale. The study highlights that 75% of knowledge workers are currently using AI at work, with 46% of these users having started in the last six months.
Embracing the Future: Upskilling Creative Talent for the Age of Creative-Centered AI (CCAI)
Yes, there have been a lot of announcements on Google I/O and ChatGPT 4o, but I want to talk about this notion of a CREATIVE-CENTERED AI (CCAI). As gaming publishers are finding out that by firing their most creative staff and replacing them with “typists,” is a hard lesson in not firing your brain trust that actually knows what they are doing and can indeed paint themselves out of a corner. Hiring prompt engineers thinking that they know everything from scene construction, character development, color theory, human anatomy, animal anatomy, animation is a total bust. Enter the mandate, keep your people, upskill them and allow true creatives to reimagine the workflow, optimization and a new world that embraces Gen AI.
Expanding Leadership: Thinking Beyond the CIO in the Age of AI
Don’t become the next Chief Metaverse Officer. A short-lived title, much like the Chief Prompting Officer. The organizational change management that needs to happen to create an AI-Org is not a top-down strategy.
Who is in the Driver’s Seat?
When it comes to generative AI, many people have become empowered in ways maybe they should not have been. As the Hollywood creative community wakes up to the possibilities, they can still be in charge of their futures and the future of film. I call it Creative Centered AI (CCAI).