Empowering AI Startups

Introducing RealmIQ: AIccelerator, where we are dedicated to elevating AI startups by offering comprehensive support in strategy, product development, branding, team building, and securing investor access. Our services span the entire spectrum, catering to both nascent startups and growth-stage companies, with a special emphasis on those in later stages demonstrating proven revenue.

Navigating the Startup Journey

Launching or pivoting a company is a complex and challenging journey. RealmIQ: AIccelerator is your partner in this process. Our network of seasoned brand advisors and AI strategists are at your disposal to help sculpt your business plan and fine-tune your go-to-market strategy. Drawing on the expertise honed over ten years at CurtDoty.co, we bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to help your startup thrive.

Our global network of AI advisors from RealmIQ, spanning diverse industries such as Ethics, Legal, Education, Marketing, Social Media, Entertainment, UX Design, media training, and Risk Management, is a testament to our commitment to multidisciplinary excellence and innovation.

Our SmarTrack process begins with our growing network of investors challenges and opportunities to globally source, vet and curate proven startups offering market-tested products, services and solutions. We advise and enable the decision-making paradigm for investors and innovators by understanding tech venture IP viability through a Freedom to Operate (FTO) scoring process.

Emerging startups and growth stage companies are invited to join the RealmIQ AIccelerator program based on our ability to efficiently and effectively solve founder pain points and market readiness, providing immediate value to potential investors.

About the Author

Curt Doty specializes in brandingproduct development, social strategy, integrated marketing, and UXD. He has extensive experience on AI-driven platforms MidJourney, Adobe Firefly, ChatGPT, Murf.ai, and DALL-E. His legacy of entertainment branding: Electronic Arts, EA Sports, ProSieben, SAT.1, WBTV Latin America, Discovery Health, ABC, CBS, A&E, StarTV, Fox, Kabel 1, TV Guide Channel, and Prevue Channel.

He is a sought after public speaker having been featured at Streaming Media NYC, Digital Hollywood, Mobile Growth Association, Mobile Congress, App Growth Summit, Promax, CES, CTIA, NAB, NATPE, MMA Global, New Mexico Angels, Santa Fe Business Incubator, EntrepeneursRx and AI Impact. He is now represented by Ovationz. His new consultancy RealmIQ helps companies manage the AI Revolution.

© 2024 Curt Doty Company LLC. All rights reserved. RealmIQ is a division of the Curt Doty Company. Reproduction, in whole or part, without permission of the publisher is prohibited. Publisher is not responsible for any AI errors or omissions.



Curt Doty

Curt Doty is a former NBC Universal creative executive and award-winning marketer. As a creative entrepreneur, his sweet spot of innovation has been uniting the worlds of design, content and technology. Working with Microsoft, Toshiba and Apple, Curt created award-winning advanced content experiences for mobile, eBooks and advertising. He has bridged the gap between TV, Film and Technology while working with all the movie studios and dozens of TV networks. Curt’s Fortune 500 work includes content marketing and digital storytelling for brands like GM, US Army, Abbott, Dell, and Viacom.


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