In April, RealmIQ is leading breakout sessions with Curt and one of our AI mentors Orion Ohev at the SHRM New Mexico 2024 State Conference. From Re-org to AI-org. HR is in the middle of it. The most transformative change to the C-Suite, The Boardroom and corporate organizations is the adoption of AI, providing a tremendous opportunity to cement your organization at the leading edge. How? This session outlines the steps necessary for AI adoption and how to develop an AI Operation. First, we’ll explore how to infuse it into every aspect of daily work and upskill team members to use AI to be more inclusive, integrated, creative, and efficient in the way they think, ideate, and produce. With steadiness and patience, you can set up the infrastructure for integrated AI throughout your organization, addressing the ethical, legal, creative, and human aspects of each division. We’ll then explore how to build your team’s capacity to step into this new way of working, helping them unravel patterns of conformity rooted in societal, cultural, and familial norms spanning generations – the learned “rules of success”. Over time, these auto-pilot patterns lead to a lot of wasted energy and resources, in the form of suppression, frustration, inefficiency, burnout, overwhelm, infighting, and silos – as well as DEI challenges rooted below conscious awareness.Yet, the “rules of success” are changing. As AI takes on more tasks, success will no longer be defined by the most productive, conformed workforce - but by the most creative and effective one that allows innovation to emerge from diverse viewpoints.Therefore, the most crucial skill that an HR professional needs to develop as you’re integrating AI throughout your organization is: helping team members increase capacity for the rapid change, ambiguity, creativity, innovation, and colliding perspectives across difference that AI creates the space for. So, how do you help your employees build that capacity? Three Takeaways: 1. Learn how to equip your leaders and team members with toolsets to notice auto-pilot patterns, shift them, and sustain new patterns of innovating across difference. 2. Learn how to build AI into all areas of the business (sales, marketing, delivery, etc.), re-imagining your org structure to allow for more collaboration between divisions. 3. Learn how to identify new roles for existing staff, upskill for those roles, retaining institutional knowledge, increasing loyalty, and building invested internal AI heroes. See all the speakers. Session is repeated Tuesday, April 30, 2-2:55pm.