Our first thought was to call this panel, “AI: Inside the Black Box of the Imagination.” Artificial Intelligence, together with Machine Learning have opened the door to a relationship with a “Human Creator,” someone we might call an “Artist,” and the result is an exploration of the imagination that has never been seen before. The result is unique. Nevertheless, some critics, Jerry Saltz of New York Magazine’s Vulture among them, have articulated a clear disdain for this new and evolving art form. While others, the curators at MOMA in NYC to their credit, have honored AI’s best known artistic innovator, Rafik Anadol with a one-man show. Many have referred to AI Art as the “Design of Randomness,” referring to it’s kinship to Jackson Pollock. In this session we will explore some of those thoughts.
Neil Leach, Architect, Curator, Visiting Professor, Harvard University, Gao Feng Professor, Tongji University and Adjunct Professor, University of Southern California
Ulrike Kerber, Principal and Creative Director, Viva Design
Sandu Baciu, founder, Baciu Co.
Curt Doty, Founder, RealmIQ, Moderator