Cyndi Coon

Cyndi Coon is a time traveler and rule-bender, using her creativity, imagination, and spirit of play to nerd out for good. As an Applied Experiential Futurist, she leverages data, science, and curious questions to drive innovation across enterprise, governments, higher education, industry, the military, and private partnerships. Cyndi's work is deeply human-centered, focusing on enhancing lives through thoughtful and strategic foresight.

She is an Affiliate at the Center for Emergency Management & Homeland Security and Co-Chair of the Human Wisdom Committee IEEE Planet Positive. Cyndi serves as the Chief Media Officer for Content Evolution. She leads the i4j (global innovation for jobs workforce) and Coolabilities communities, promoting inclusive and forward-thinking solutions.

Cyndi is the Founder and Principal Futurist at Applied Futures Lab, Founder of Laboratory Five, and Founder and Publisher at Turkey Hill Press. She also co-founded the Threatcasting Lab and Press, where she collaborates with diverse teams to anticipate future threats and opportunities. Her passion for human-centered innovation and her playful approach to problem-solving make her a unique and influential figure in the futurist community.

Constellation of Experience

Cyndi has peered into the future of Accessibility, Aerospace, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, Bio-Health, Coolabilities, Covid-19, Design Fiction, Digital Currency, Digital Equity, Disabilities, Gender Equality, Human Ecosystems, [the] Individual, Information Warfare, Leadership, Mis/Dis/Mal Information, Ship Building, Sports, Truth, Workforce, Weaponization and more. Her clients and collaborators include the Army Cyber Institute, BioDesign Institute, Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment Program, Homeland Security, National Guard, Sandia National Lab, and the US Secret Service, to highlight a few.


AI, Creativity, Coolabilities, Design Fiction, Design Justice, Digital Equity, Disabilities, Futurecasting, Gender Equality, Human Ecosystems, Inclusion, [the] IndividualInformation Shaping, Information Warfare, Supply Chain Manufacturing, Mis/Dis/Mal Information, Neurodiversity, Resilient Communities, Science Futures, Sports, Sustainable Cities, Threatcasting, Time, Truth, Trust, Weaponization and United Nations SDGs.

Author I SME

Threatcasting: Threatcasting (2022).

Coolabilities: HOW LIGHT IS SPENT: The future of technology, human ability and economic value (2020).

Creative Entrepreneurship: Creative EntrepreneurshipThrive! Creative's Guidebook to Professional Tenacity (2019).

Interview SME: Information Shaping: Information Shaping (Strategic Multilayer Assessment Office (Joint Staff, J39) 2021).