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The Future of Streaming: How Conversational AI Can Revolutionize Smart TVs

I recently attended Streaming Media NYC and it revealed an industry in crisis. In an era where streaming has become the primary source of entertainment, the challenge of managing countless platforms, endless content options, and personalized viewing experiences has never been greater. Smart TVs, while offering a plethora of features, often fall short of providing the seamless, intuitive experience users crave. Keynote speaker and host Evan Shapīro noted the User Interface and Personalization were identified as the pain points as we are entering a new ‘User-Centric” era. This is where Conversational AI could step in, promising to transform the way we interact with our entertainment systems and ultimately save streaming from its current pitfalls. If Data is the new gold, we are the Data.

The Current Landscape: Churn, Search Fatigue, and Confusion

The explosion of streaming services has led to a fragmented viewing experience. Users frequently juggle multiple subscriptions, struggling to remember where they saw a particular show or movie. This fragmentation results in a high churn rate, with viewers constantly hopping from one service to another in search of the best content, or cancelling a subscription when their favorite show is done. Furthermore, the overwhelming number of options can lead to decision fatigue and confusion, making the simple act of choosing what to watch a daunting task.

Conversational AI: The Key to True Personalization

Conversational AI can address these issues by acting as a unified interface that seamlessly integrates all streaming services. Imagine a Smart TV that not only understands your voice commands but also anticipates your needs based on your viewing habits. Here’s how Conversational AI can revolutionize the streaming experience:

  1. Effortless Content Discovery: AI can significantly enhance content discovery. By analyzing your viewing history and preferences, it can recommend shows and movies tailored to your tastes. It should serve up a lineup or recommendations, a  list of options across all your subscriptions and even services you do not subscribe to.

  2. Reduced Churn: With AI-driven personalization, users are more likely to find content they enjoy, reducing the need to switch between services. The simplicity of interoperability remains a business challenge. By providing a consistently satisfying viewing experience, Conversational AI can help streaming platforms retain their subscribers for longer periods.

  3. Simplified Search: Traditional search methods on Smart TVs are cumbersome and often yield unsatisfactory results. Conversational AI, however, can understand natural language queries, making it easier to find specific content. It is less about whether you’re looking for “that sci-fi movie with space battles” but rather intelligent recommendations like “Hi Curt, I have cued up the season finale of Fallout for you” or “I know you have been waiting for Season 2 of Shogun and it is finally here,” AI can quickly locate it for you and serve it up because it knows you.

  4. Enhanced User Experience: Beyond content discovery and search, Conversational AI can enhance the overall user experience by controlling other Smart TV functions. Adjusting volume, switching inputs, and even providing information about the actors or plot details of a show can be done effortlessly through voice commands. Yes, Prime has X-Ray, but it could be smarter.

Making Smart TVs Truly Smart

To fully realize the potential of Conversational AI, Smart TVs need to be equipped with advanced AI capabilities and integrated across multiple platforms. This involves seamless connectivity, robust data privacy measures, and continuous updates to AI algorithms to keep up with evolving user preferences.

Simply put, imagine if GPT 4o and Roku had a baby. Conversational AI holds the promise of transforming Smart TVs into truly smart devices. There are complications as the streamers have their own interfaces, good and bad, but they are not the gatekeepers. The OEMs are and a universal operating system would help, but it would take a coalition to dictate and/or manifest it. So, the technology is there, but these business challenges persist as obstacles to the best solution to save an industry in crisis.

AI can make the streaming experience more enjoyable and less frustrating. As we move forward, the integration of Conversational AI in Smart TVs could be the game-changer, bringing us closer to the ideal of a seamless, intuitive, and personalized entertainment experience. We need to move from the Internet of Things (IoT) to the AI of Things (AIoT).

About the Author

Curt Doty specializes in branding, product development, social strategy, integrated marketing, and UXD. He has extensive experience on AI-driven platforms MidJourney, Adobe Firefly, ChatGPT,, and DALL-E. His legacy of entertainment branding: Electronic Arts, EA Sports, ProSieben, SAT.1, WBTV Latin America, Discovery Health, ABC, CBS, A&E, StarTV, Fox, Kabel 1, TV Guide Channel, and Prevue Channel.

He is a sought after public speaker having been featured at Streaming Media NYC, Digital Hollywood, Mobile Growth Association, Mobile Congress, App Growth Summit, Promax, CES, CTIA, NAB, NATPE, MMA Global, New Mexico Angels, Santa Fe Business Incubator, EntrepeneursRx and AI Impact. He is now represented by Ovationz. His new consultancy RealmIQ helps companies manage the AI Revolution.

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