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Oops I did it again.

I started a podcast last year, well actually I learned some tough lessons from an earlier attempt at Clubhouse and decided I needed to build a library of content to exploit however I could. I know a bit about content marketing and after seeing a lot of really bad AI podcasts on YouTube, I thought I could do better. So, having already launched RealmIQ, my AI consultancy, with a mission of education and evangelism of AI Adoption, I thought let’s extend that brand and call the podcast RealmIQ: SESSIONS. Subtext, Conversations on AI. It was a YouTube thumbnail thing, which evidently is a thing. Luckily I am a designer, so it could figure out how to optimize those pesky thumbs to read really small and not have the titles be covered by the playbar and metadata across all socials. I developed my own workflows, now known as multi-modaling, as I platform-hopped, to produce the full sessions, vertical Sneak Peeks and build the multi-channel effort. As I support the tools of AI, I am also using them to help me break through that wall of productivity. To name a few, I use GPT 4o to prep and research before the interview, record on Zoom, used the AI Companion to help ask questions about what is being discussed based on their temp transcript, edit the raw session in Vimeo using it’s AI to do script based editing to remove the filler words, export to iMovie for graphics compositing, then for cutdowns using Opus Clips and it’s AI to create verticals for TikTok and Reels, then entering key messaging from the transcripts to summarize and make social posts in GPT4o. On top of that I use Visla to make videos from my blogs, yes, I have written a lot, all you do is post the URL. Pretty cool. This all seems like a lot of work, but AI has removed many obstacles for me. I didn’t see any robots in the process nor did I infringe on anyone’s copyright.

It has been quite a journey, but doors have opened up for me that normally would not have been answered, even with the appropriate knock.  Now in season 2, I am booking many more prominent speakers, to be announced, but in the interim check out some of the highlights so far.

RealmIQ: SESSIONS Highlights. A podcast that discusses AI with AI Leaders from around the world.

Jennifer Stivers

I talked with Jennifer Stivers, who is into ETHICAL AI and AI LITERACY, among many other things. She comes from a marketing background, worked at Apple and is a fellow creative. They discussed her mantra "Think before you Act" as a cautionary tale for prompting and much more. She is helping RealmIQ develop micro learning sessions.

On Spotify

On YouTube

Michael Garfield

I interviewed Michael Garfield, Artist, musician, AI Enthusiast, Philosopher, connector and fellow podcaster. Interesting discussions around cycles of humanity and technology. He is a fellow Santa Fe innovator.

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Nick Sgobba

Nick is a former IBM Senior Inventor with AI and patent expertise. With over a decade in Big Blue across Europe and the Middle East, his journey took him to the dynamic worlds of startups and venture studios. Along the way, he's also been a visiting lecturer in master's programs in AI and believes in technology as a tool to build a better tomorrow. He's now the Co-founder and Chief Product Officer of Evalify, a Nobody Studios portfolio company.

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Laura Edwards

Laura is an Innovation Catalyst who advises on opportunities where the Climate and Space sectors have the most powerful synergies. She is a NASA Datanaut and member of the Oxford Space Initiative and served on the State Department’s Technology and Innovation Subcommittee for Public/Private Partnerships. We talked about climate change and AI, which is a data play.

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On YouTube

Huipin Zhang

Huipin is the CEO & Founder of Visla, he was Zoom's founding engineer and Chief Scientist for over 9 years since its founding until he left to start Visla. He was also the creator of Video at WebEx. I am a fan of both platforms and now use Visla everyday. He will be on my Digital Hollywood AI panel next month.

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Lauren Wallett

Yes, that Lauren (Fucking) Wallet. Lauren talks about productivity vs. creativity, her AI software Creatrix and recent developments in ChatBots. She is a superwoman, an entrepreneur and a bundle of energy.

On Spotify

On YouTube

Phillip Alcock

I talk with Phillip Alcock. He is the AIxPBL Founder and a Strategic Advisor for AI in Project-Based Learning. He skyrocketed this year with his daily musings on AI and Education. We talk about the education and AI integration into curriculums and the next generations embrace of this technology.

On Spotify

On YouTube


These are all people I believe in. Listen to them. Follow them and... Follow RealmIQ: SESSIONS. If you think you are a worthy guest and AI leader or Founder, reach out. Conversely, if you think I am a worthy guest for your podcast, also, reach out. Let’s Adopt and Thrive!

About the Author

Curt Doty specializes in brandingproduct development, social strategy, integrated marketing, and UXD. He has extensive experience on AI-driven platforms MidJourney, Adobe Firefly, ChatGPT,, and DALL-E. His legacy of entertainment branding: Electronic Arts, EA Sports, ProSieben, SAT.1, WBTV Latin America, Discovery Health, ABC, CBS, A&E, StarTV, Fox, Kabel 1, TV Guide Channel, and Prevue Channel.

He is a sought after public speaker having been featured at Streaming Media NYC, Digital Hollywood, Mobile Growth Association, Mobile Congress, App Growth Summit, Promax, CES, CTIA, NAB, NATPE, MMA Global, New Mexico Angels, Santa Fe Business Incubator, EntrepeneursRx and AI Impact. He is now represented by Ovationz. His new consultancy RealmIQ helps companies manage the AI Revolution.

© 2024 Curt Doty Company LLC. All rights reserved. RealmIQ is a division of the Curt Doty Company. Reproduction, in whole or part, without permission of the publisher is prohibited. Publisher is not responsible for any AI errors or omissions.